About Us

What is MSSA-Mansoura?

MSSA-Mansoura (Mansoura Students’ Scientific Association) is an independent, non-profit association that represents students of Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, established under patronage of Mansoura Faculty of Medicine Dean and taking its official recognition through them. MSSA is supervised by Mansoura Faculty of Medicine Dean, one of his vices or a faculty professor assigned by the faculty administration.

MSSA is also a full member of IFMSA-Egypt, which is a full member of IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students Associations). IFMSA is the world’s oldest and largest independent organization representing associations of medical students internationally. It maintains over 130 NMOs (National Member Organizations) from more than 120 countries and areas with over one million students represented worldwide.

MSSA pursues its aims without political, religious, social, racial, sexual or any other discrimination & respects the autonomy of its members.

MSSA Vision

MSSA envisions a community in which all medical students unite for health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles in Mansoura.

MSSA Mission

MSSA unites and empowers medical students in Mansoura to lead initiatives that positively impact our community. MSSA represents the opinions and ideas of medical students in Mansoura and builds their capacity by offering them opportunities to develop their medical and non-medical skills through training, projects and exchange opportunities in order to improve their leadership role in the community and global health issues as well.

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