FAQ: MSSA Orientation

  1. MSSA Team of Officials: includes the Executive Board, the Standing Committees' Officers and the Divisions' Directors

a. Executive Board

i. President

ii. Vice President for Internal Affairs

iii. Vice President for External Affairs

iv. Treasurer

b. Standing Committees' Officers

i. Local Officer on Professional Exchange / Research Exchange - Incoming Division

ii. Local Officer on Professional Exchange / Research Exchange - Outgoing Division

iii. Local Public Health Officer

iv. Local Officer on Medical Education

v. Local Officer on Human Rights & Peace

vi. Local Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS

c. Divisions' Directors:

i. Secretary Board Director

ii. Training Support Division Director

iii. Fundraising Support Division Director

iv. Publications and New Technologies Support Division Director

v. Projects' Support Divison Director

vi. Research Support Division Director

2. MSSA Managerial Teams: Team of Officials' Assistants and Supporting Divisions' Teams

3. Project Coordinators & Coordinator Assistants\

4. Projects' Teams & Task Holders

5. MSSA Alumni

A GA is a gathering for all MSSA workforce (members, TO, alumni and even observers).

A GA is the highest decision-making authority in MSSA where all the decisions, reports and announcements are made and adopted. It’s held at least 4 times a year to run all MSSA activities, periodically report all our achievements and keep all MSSA members oriented about the updates inside MSSA.

The official language inside the GA is English and the chairperson of the GA is usually the president. (MSSA VPI or VPE can be delegated to be the chairperson of the meeting).

There are 4 ordinary GAs every year (i.e. regular GAs that are always organized):

  1. Preliminary GA: in October
  2. Mid-Term GA: in February
  3. Prelast GA: In the last 2 weeks of July or the first 2 weeks of August.
  4. Election GA (=End-Term GA): In the first 2 weeks of September.

In addition, there might be extra-ordinary GAs that are organized in case of an emergency that needs decisions done by the GA.

You have the right to participate in MSSA GAs if you are an associate member, an active member, a TO member, an EB member or an alumnus.

If you are an MSSA user, a candidate member or a non-medical student, you can also attend MSSA GAs as an observer after the approval of 2 EB members and a TO member. You will have to approach one of the GA participants if you have any questions during the GA.

MSSA-wise: Attending GAs helps you understand how MSSA is run and get to see an overall picture of the work in MSSA as a whole instead of looking at the project in hand. In addition, it gives you more points to upgrade your membership status, also to have the criteria needed to apply for higher posts in MSSA, IFMSA-Egypt or the IFMSA.

Life-wise: MSSA GA gives you a full realistic idea on how professional meetings are conducted, how to handle a debate, motion or a discussion.

You can apply to be a team member for any project in MSSA once you register. However, there are other positions (e.g. coordinator assistant, task holder) that require previous experience working in previous MSSA projects. Check the call for the project on the mailing list before applying to know what the available positions are and the job description of each one.

MSSA Membership Status is a measure to the experience of MSSA members. According to the membership status (and thus your experience), you can participate in certain MSSA activities and apply for certain positions and opportunities that require such experience.

On registering in MSSA, you are an MSSA user. You become an MSSA candidate once you attend one training session + other 2 activities.

To upgrade to an associate member, you have to get at least 12 points (out of 20) in MSSA Candidate-Member Interview and fulfill at least 24 points (aided by other MSSA activities). Once you get a total of 24 points (or more) from the interview and MSSA activities, you have to apply for associate membership in MSSA Upgrade Form.

Once you are an associate member, you probably know how to apply for active membership.

It's an interview conducted by MSSA TO (Team of Officials) to upgrade MSSA Candidate Members to Associate Members. It measures basic soft skills, hard skills and basic MSSA experience. It's usually conducted before MSSA GAs to adopt the upgrade results inside the GA.

It is a form sent before MSSA GAs for the candidate members who would like to apply for associate membership, or the associate members who would like to apply for active membership. This form includes all MSSA activities that have been organized throughout the previous year.

The above-mentioned members have to check the activities that they have participated in to gain their points and get upgraded in the GA if they pass the required criteria.